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Now if an earthquake hits LA, I can find the stairway without having to put on my contact lenses first. What a relief!!
Thank you Dr. Caster for the gift of sight. After 20 years plus of having to deal with glasses and contact lenses just to get around the apartment, the surgery has given me a completely new sense of freedom.
The surgery was painless and quick. The staff was experienced, professional and friendly – especially Alex and Diane. Thank you.

Katherine Tran

Thank you Dr. Caster and Caster Eye Center. You made a believer of me. The procedure was virtually painless and over in minutes. Your team made me very welcome and at ease. All of my questions were answered with complete, understandable explanations. I thank you and my eyes thank you!

Cynthia Anderson

Fantastic! And wonderful in the literal sense of being full of wonder – that this procedure exists and I can see all the time for the first time in 37 years! If everyone could have the results I’ve had, there wouldn’t be a person around wearing glasses or contact lenses. My vision is perfect – both for reading and fine close work and for distance.
I had the surgery on Thursday afternoon at 4:30 and the very next morning at 6:30 am I went cycling with my club. No problems. On Saturday (3 days post-op) I rode Solvang Century (100 mile bike ride). I’ve had no dry eyes, no halos, no stars, nothing. Just perfect vision. Thanks to Dr. Caster and staff!

Joanne Ratinoff

Painless and easy – hearing about what the procedure entailed from Dr. Caster’s great staff was scarier than the actual procedure.

Mary Dippel

When I initially began shopping around for a LASIK physician, my criterion was simple: to find the expert. I wanted a physician with experience as well as the most advanced equipment available. After visiting several centers, I made an addition to my criteria…the way the business is run. I noticed an immediate difference when I walked into the Caster Eye Center. The environment was calm. There were some patients, but not a crowd. I appreciated the individual attention paid to me by everyone on staff here. No patient here is sat onto a “conveyor belt” and hurried through. Thank you to Dr. Caster and his staff for their expertise, sensitivity, and case by case treatments.

Stacey Belche

What more can I say, before my surgery I read pages and pages of good reviews. I must concur; the LASIK procedure is painless and very rewarding. The staff has been more than professional (friendly, assuring…) and Dr. Caster has done an exceptional job. I’m headed off to Cancun next month WITHOUT my glasses! Thank you staff, Dr. Caster and Visx Star2.

James Moon

I really felt like I was in good hands at the Caster Eye Center. Not only were the staff professional and knowledgeable, but I felt like they truly cares about me and the health of my eyes. I want to thank all of you for caring and kindness. And the best part of all – I can see!!!!! Thank you!

P.S. I also appreciate the sense of humor exhibited by Dr. Hoff. It definitely helped to relieve the tension and keep me from worrying about what was to come! Thank you.

Stacey Kronquist

General comments:
Very professional environment which results in the patient having confidence in capabilities of doctors and staff. I was filled in on every possible aspect of procedure and side effects. Overall very positive experience, not to mention great results!

Philip Kleinbart

A miracle procedure. Less than one day later I was reading 20/20. A long way from the previous day. I was nervous about getting the procedure done as my pupils dilate out bigger than average. I was told by another doctor six months ago that LASIK wasn’t for me. I waited some time – did some research – and came here. All of my fears were addressed. The staff was very personable and friendly (and very P.C. – thanks Laura!) and now I can see perfectly!

Ned Beedie