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WOW – the worst part of the whole procedure is not needing to visit the great office staff, starting for Dr.’s Caster and Hoff on down, for another month.
As far as my vision is concerned I lack the vocabulary to describe how happy I am and what a difference this has made to my life. I am only beginning to realize the benefits.

Kathryn Eisenstein

I came in for my eye measurements on a Wednesday and watched a procedure that day. That was reassuring. Knowing that the glaucoma machine actually touched my eye and I didn’t feel a thing was very reassuring (knowing that the anesthetic drops actually worked). I was not nervous at all, I’m not sure if that was due to your wonderful staff or the drugs (probably a combination). I still can’t believe I’m seeing this well without contacts. I’ve worn contacts for 30 years. Thank you

Anne Macmillan

The procedure was pain-free and done quickly! The staff was always polite and courteous and kept me calm when I got nervous.
I highly recommend this procedure and especially Dr. Caster and his staff. I’ve told my friends that if I weren’t such a “tough guy” I would have cried! This has been a phenomenal experience!!
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

Chad Landers

One regret; I should have done this sooner! The morning after surgery, my left eye was 20/20. My right eye, which was considerably weaker, is much better and is expected to “catch up” in a few days. I can’t wait to hit the beach, and go in the water unaccompanied – for the first time. For once; I can find my way back to my blanket! The doctors and technicians here are all so supportive, thorough and friendly. I was impressed at all the extensive pre-op exams – 3 in all. I felt very confident that the surgery would be successful. Not suprisingly, it was! My recommendation to anyone with poor eyesight: Don’t wait, Just do it.

Sandy Petitjean

Yaa Hoo!! I can see!!
This is just amazing. Yesterday when I came in I expected to have good vision when I was done – But I have great vision! 20/15 (and before I could not see anything unless it was right by my face). No waiting – Boom! It is perfect. I have to remind myself this is the new me and not just contacts.
Dr. Caster is the best! Yes, I could have gone somewhere less expensive, but why would someone bargain with his or her eyes? Thank you Thank you

Suzanne Palanuk

The employees and help are all incredibly nice and sweet to be with. They make you feel very comfortable and relaxed and the whole experience is great. Thanks Dr. Caster you made it all worth while.

Scott Gross

This has been, by far, the most rewarding decision I have made. That I can see without assistance is beyond amazing, but that this was the most painless transition I have ever made is all because of the gracious staff here. From Dr. Caster himself to Dr. Slivar, Alicia, Diane, Alex… The sweetest and most caring group of strangers I have ever encountered.
Thank you for my vision; thank you for your kindness!

Shiela Jauregui

The entire procedure was a very positive, enjoyable process that instilled confidence. I had researched the process and considered all my options and selected your office with anticipation of quality service.
Your staff was excellent in all aspects of service. Their explanations were thorough and allayed any fears I had.
I especially anticipated and enjoyed the actual procedure. Being a Sci Fi fan I enjoyed the experience of undergoing a procedure utilizing cutting edge technology. Thanks again!

John Romero

Amazing!! I had the surgery performed this morning at 10am and less than 7 hours later I can see 20/30 and can legally drive without corrective lenses! (Actually I am writing this without my glasses, which I could never have done before!) Dr. Caster must have the most rewarding career I can imagine! He has provided me with the best gift I’ve received in my 33 years! His staff was amazing and helped to make the experience as comfortable as possible! Again – Amazing!!

Bryan Beaty