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My years as a teenager were haunted by the specter of wearing thick nerdy glasses. I wore my prescription aviation sunglasses so often (even at night) that people in my high school were sure I was drug dealer (and I was one of the few who had never even smoked pot!). I was just trying to look “cool”.
Contacts were a godsend. They changed my life. But being lazy, I could never be bothered to take them out at night like I was supposed to. Once I had left my contacts in for a period of over 9 months (much to the horror of my optometrist). Ultimately, this led to an increasing amount of corneal abrasions in addition to blood vessel growth into my cornea, which, if unabated, could eventually endanger my vision.

LASIK is now the godsend. The staff was always professional, courteous and knowledgeable. Everything that would happen to me was clearly and patiently explained beforehand (even the risks of failure). In fact, they were so thorough and confidant in their approach that when the “miracle” occurred it seemed inevitable. I felt ungracious for being so complacent about the Caster Eye Center delivering this miracle to me. They have my profound thanks. Though words feel inadequate here they will have to do. I guess referrals will better do the job.

Eric Cotsen

I am very happy with the procedure overall. I wasn’t too concerned since Dr. Caster is known as the “best”. My family doctor and my optometrist both know of him.

The procedure itself was neither painful nor uncomfortable. Just ask for 2 xanax and you won’t remember a thing. I am very excited about not having to wear glasses or contacts. The costs associated to those 2 are much more than the procedure in the long run. If you are a candidate…. do it.

Davis Fukunaga

I walked in wearing glasses I’ve never liked to wear and the very next day I was playing tennis. I had always worn glasses for nearsightedness and also always taken them off as soon as possible. This past weekend, at a wedding, I took them off as usual and put them in my suit jacket pocket. Dancing, they fell out of my pocket and everyone stomped on them. If that isn’t a sign from God, I don’t know what is.

Erik Feig

· Most interesting is that there was absolutely no discomfort during or after the procedure. No pain whatsoever.
· The office setting is very professional, yet very comforting. Excellent staff, especially Patty.
· The immediate result in ones vision is quite startling.
· Dr. Caster’s expertise puts a lot of my concerns at ease.
· Painless procedure with startling results.

Erik Hairapetian

I sit here one day after my surgery and am thrilled beyond belief. I can now see without glasses or contact lenses and drove to my post op appointment.
There was absolutely no pain during or after the surgery and I can begin to explain the joy in awaking and being able to see all my surroundings.
I was extremely satisfied with Dr. Caster in his caring way he talks to you through the procedure and in his expertise in this field. I thank him and God for what I believe to be a truly marvelous event!

Mary Ellen Robinette

The procedure was easier and quicker than I imagined! The staff is excellent.

Carl Lambert

Comfort, care and concern. These are the over-riding feelings I have had from everyone connected with the center. Friendly and helpful people every step of the way. Any fears I had were quickly assuaged. My experience here was positive in every way and I am very happy.

As for the actual results, well I couldn’t be more satisfied. I have a restored faith in the medical community in general because of how well treated I have been in the specific. Thanks.

PJ Torokvei

When I was 6 yrs. Old I was fitted for eyeglasses. By 25, contacts were a problem for me due to GPC. At 40, my vision was -7.00 in each eye. Now I see better than 20/20. The staff at Caster Eye Center could not have been friendlier. The surgery was painless, Freaky, but still not a problem. By the next morning I was reborn with fantastic vision. My near vision is still a bit shaky but what the hell, it should clear up. Caster and Co. have my heartfelt thanks.

Peter Iliff

The entire process was truly a miracle. The staff is wonderful and the procedure is honestly “a piece of cake.”

Many of my friends will be following in my footsteps. And women over 40 will understand when I say this is much faster, easier and less discomfort than a mammogram.

Barbara Epstein