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It was an excellent experience having my eyes corrected here. I could not have asked for a better and more professional group of people. For years I have wanted to have this procedure done but have not found the ideal environment to have it done. I can not express how much relief I feel at not having to rely on contacts or glasses again. Thanks

Amro Nasr

I was actually hoping to have x-ray vision like Superman but seeing without contacts is almost as good. I will certainly miss the twice-daily ritual of contact lenses but I will be able to make good use of the extra time. The entire group of employees here is quite exceptional and they should all be given immediate raises of 20-25%. Thanks Again

Jack Bernstein

Dr. Caster and Staff,
I never thought it could be possible for me to have perfect vision and thanks to you guys, I CAN SEE! I love you all thanks so much!

Kimberly Brown

Thank you so very much Dr. Caster, Dr. Hoff, Patricia and the rest of the staff. I’m so pleased with the results of LASIK so far. It’s amazing that just yesterday I couldn’t even see the clock in the car and today I can not only see that but I can see road signs, faces, the house across the street. I loved going into my daughters room morning and seeing her cherry face in her crib without my glasses on. Thank you for your professionalism, for taking this procedure so serious for each individual patient. Thank you for being the best. It’s been a pleasure spending time with all of you.

Karen Hood

You have changed my life!!! I can’t begin to describe what it’s like to not wear glasses. The people here are wonderful – they made me feel extremely comfortable. The procedure was painless and quick. I would recommend this to everyone I know who wears glasses and/or contacts. It is the most liberating experience. I wish I had it done earlier. Thank you! Thank you!

Lissa Dutton

This has to be one of the strangest experiences I ever had. You live your life unable to see clearly, and in five minutes with Dr. Caster, he changes your life. I must say that the whole office was full of upbeat, experienced people that made the whole experience memorable. Each doctor took all the time I needed to have my questions answered and to make me comfortable. Dr. Caster truly deserves to be called the best eye doctor in the United States. I even made a special friend who helped me through the whole operation. Hello Cindy J

Khaled Nasr

After 2 years of meticulous research on the subject, I finally decided to check out the LASIK procedure first hand. With the best combination of technology, staff experience, atmosphere, and “bedside manner”, Caster Eye Center was the only choice for me.

Everyone at Caster was extremely nice, knowledgeable, and able to answer any and all questions I had about every aspect of the procedure. I have a bunch of friends who are contemplating the procedure, and I have to tell them about Dr. Caster, his wonderful staff, and the incredible technology behind the Alcon laser. I looked at several places around town before selecting Caster Eye Center. I know without a doubt I made the right choice.

Jeff Branion

I went to a few other places before I decided on Dr. Caster. The level of professionalism really impressed me and the latest laser technology also won me over. My overall experience was great.

JiHee Kim

Dr. Caster, Dr. Hoff & Staff,
I can’t tell you how grateful I am for the nearly perfect vision I now have (and it’s only the morning after!). Your care and precision in both preliminary visits and the day of the procedure were outstanding. I never had a moment of fear, uncertainty or regret for selecting your center to correct my most precious sense. I will be thanking you every morning for years to come!
Thank you so much– you are truly the best at what you do.

Melissa McInnis