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Dr. Caster, Dr. Hoff & Staff,
First & foremost the level of service and sensitivity by everyone – Drs & staff – was outstanding! I can’t stop smiling!! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought or believed that after 30+ years of wearing corrective lenses I would be able to see without them. And here I am, less than 24 hours after the surgery able to see with such clarity- amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I can’t say thank you enough for the experience. It was the best birthday gift I have ever gotten- the gift of sight.

Michelle L Sorey

To anyone interested in doing the LASIK procedure, I highly recommend the services of Dr. Caster and his staff. From the first second I walked into the office and met the staff and doctors it was clear I was in a top-notch facility. The expertise of all the staff was clearly evident. Everything about the procedure was explained thoroughly and all my questions were answered satisfactorily. And then there are the results of the surgery! What can I say? Words cannot explain how great I feel. I can see! Thanks again to Dr. Caster and his staff. This is truly unbelievable.

Debbie Chavez

All I can say is, “WOW”! This is the best thing I’ve done in years. I had absolutely no pain. The staff is unbelievable! I can’t thank them enough!
I drove here without GLASSES! Thanks again!

Richard Lang

As a researcher in the field of nano-electronics I know the importance of using the best equipment. My procedure was only possible using your laser because of my large pupils. After wearing glasses for 30 years, my vision is now better than it has ever been- 20/15! I see everything so clearly, I am truly amazed. I was excited before the procedure, and now I’m even more excited to experience all my activities WITHOUT GLASSES! Thanks to Dr. Caster and his entire staff for making the experience to easy.

Paul Janke

To Dr. Caster & the staff at the Caster Eye Center,
How can I thank you for what you have given back to me? The results were better than I expected, 20/20 day after surgery. The best part was that this morning, when my son came into our bedroom, I could see his beautiful face as he stood at the doorway -WOW-the only word for it is “miracle”.
The entire staff is wonderful and willing to spend the time to answer all my questions – they were also willing to answer my husband’s questions & even laughed at his jokes!

Thanks so much and I’ll be seeing you!

Moira Giammatteo

The eyes have it..
Looking in ones’ eyes,
reveals the self-reflection.
All the untold secrets,
are told in but one second.
Eyes are beacons in a crowd,
saying, come-hither out loud. So don’t believe your secrets,
or perhaps your greatest fears, are hidden safely, tucked away,
between your inner ear. For through that window on your face,
the TRUTH is on display. The EYES can not hide what the soul doth have to say.

Maurece Chesse

I just wanted to thank Dr. Caster and the Caster Eye Center for giving me my vision. The procedure was simple and painless. Six hours later, I could see. The next morning I picked my 18 mo. old son up out of his crib and I could see him perfectly. What a wonderful gift. I would recommend it to anyone.

Joe O’Donnell

What can I say… I was blind before my surgery. Right after the procedure I could see the clock on the wall- before the surgery I couldn’t see it at all! Today I am 20/25 in both eyes- only to get better! Dr. Caster was so gentle and sweet. His staff is amazing too. So warm, friendly and reassuring! I’m going to recommend this to everyone I know that wears contacts. It’s a miracle!!! I can’t wait to play tennis-run-bike-swim without contacts. Thanks so much!

Susan Collister

Thank you for this miracle! This is the first time in over 30 years that I am glasses and contact lens free. What a pleasure to wake up in the morning and see the precious faces of my children clearly. The procedure was simple and painless. You and your excellent staff explained everything so clearly and really made me feel at ease. Thanks again for restoring this most precious gift- my sight.

Linda Fuller