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A big thanks to Dr. Caster and his great staff! I have been pretty blind since I was a kid, always dependent on my glasses and then contacts. It was a fantastic feeling waking up this first morning after the surgery and being able to see perfectly. There was no pain and the procedure was very short. I recommend Dr. Caster to anyone who is tired of wearing glasses or contacts!

Maria Tallent

The whole experience was very simple and painless. It’s the day after and my eyesight is as good, maybe better, than yesterday with glasses. My thanks to everyone at the Caster Eye Center.

Mark Child

I was nearsighted, astigmatic and afraid. Dr. Caster and his staff cured me of all of the above, almost in “the blink of an eye.” My gratitude is as boundless, clear and bright as my new perfect vision. Thanks!

Andrew Tsao

After Caster: Internationally Renowned Male Model
Okay… My modeling career hasn’t taken off yet, but it’s only been a few hours since my procedure. I feel great.. The process was painless (thanks in large part to the wonderful staff here at the Caster Eye Center) and I’m very, very happy with the results.
Although now that I’m seeing so clearly, I’m giving more serious consideration to getting hair-implants. And maybe a nose job. A lilt collagen in the lips, perhaps and of course, a few liposuction treatments…

Jeremiah Bosgang

Thank you so much Dr. Caster! The operation was quick and easy. I could see perfectly within a few days of my surgery. I now have 20/20 vision. My life is so much easier now than with contact lenses. I highly recommend Dr. Caster to anyone who wants to have the laser surgery.
Thanks Again

Jennifer Doubleday

I chose to get the LASIK surgery as a 40th birthday present to myself. And this has been the best gift I could’ve ever received! It’s been less than 24 hours since the surgery and I can see better now than I could with my contacts! I wish I had done this earlier. The entire procedure was very pleasant and Dr. Caster and the staff were so helpful and nice. Thank You

Grace Nomiyama

I am very glad that I went to Dr. Caster for this surgery. I found his staff and him very professional, straightforward and easy to deal with. I will look back on this experience and wonder why I didn’t do it sooner.

Bill McIntyre

I am writing this only 1-day after having LASIK, and I not only have no discomfort whatsoever- I have 20/20 vision! After wearing glasses or contacts for almost my whole life, it feels incredible to see so well with neither. I was grocery shopping this morning, and I was smiling and giggling as I went up and down the aisles because I felt so happy about my vision. (I’m sure people thought I was nuts!) Thank You, Dr. Caster and the staff!

Diana Ungerleider

***** Out of 4 stars
Thanks to you I spent all night crying. I couldn’t help it. For the first time in 30 years I could see myself in the mirror without glasses when I was further than 2 inches away. I could see the leaves on the trees. I could kiss my husband without smashing him with my frames. For the first time I see the world without smudges, and that is a beautiful treat.

What’s just as wonderful is the way I was treated here: with the utmost care and professionalism, thoroughness and kindness. I’m so grateful to have found this place and to have worked with these people.
Thank You.

Timathea Workman