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Words cannot express how happy I am and how wonderful I feel to have perfect vision and not be a prisoner to glasses any longer. The procedure was 100% painless-the staff is so professional and caring. LASIK is a miracle and Dr. Caster is a “miracle worker”. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I will recommend Dr. Caster and the Caster Eye Center to anyone I know (or meet) who is considering the possibility of not wearing contacts or glasses anymore. Thanks A Million.

Heidi Nord

Thank you to a wonderful staff for making a nerve racking experience easier. I was nervous of how I would see after the procedure but WOW. I am seeing 20/15 the next morning. I would and will recommend the LASIK procedure to everyone and definitely refer them to this center. Thanks for the wonderful gift of vision!

Christy Payne

This was a thoroughly amazing experience!! No pain was involved whatsoever and the results are miraculous. After 15 years of contact lenses I can’t believe that it’s all over. Last night I put all my contact lens solutions and preparations aside for my sister. Aside from my education this is the best thing that I’ve ever done for myself. Whoever has the need and the means for LASIK and Dr. Caster and still hesitates is CRAZY. There is absolutely no need for any apprehension, take it from me.

Edelita De Boda

FANTASTIC, I am 36 years old and I have worn contact lenses or glasses since I was six. After my surgery I was able to see 20/25 the next day. This is truly a miracle. God has blessed Dr. Caster with a wonderful talent. The staff here is head and shoulders above the competition. I shopped around and found the staff here to be very caring, accommodating, and sympathetic to my fears. Thank you so much, you’re truly a treasure in the city of Angels.

Mel Lindsey

I can’t even express all the joy and happiness I feel all the joy and happiness I feel after having the surgery. It is a miracle. It was one of the best things that has ever happened (after the birth of my children). I am so pleased. I had the surgery a month ago and out of habit-Instill reach for my glasses. The freedom is great. I am thankful…every day!!! Thank you Dr. Caster and staff. This is the best gift I could give myself. Thank you!

Kathy Bronte-Hughes

Finally, at the age of 44 I can see the way I know I was always meant to be able to see! I’ve worn glasses since the 3rd grade, which got progressively thicker over the years. You can’t even consider vanity when you’re sentenced to wear coke bottles! And contact lens, I had to give them up a year ago. Even in my youth I’ve had nothing but trouble, with lenses. But now I am completely free-it’s a miracle, Really. I used to worry (before the procedure) that if something happened during the night-like a major earthquake ( who can forget Northridge ?), I’d end up wondering around in the dark, unable to find my way. You run first and look for your glasses later, you know. Now I feel safer-another wonderful benefit of having good eyesight! As for the procedure itself, I’ve truly had facials that were more uncomfortable. It is remarkably easy, and Dr. Caster and his staff keep you feeling very safe, very confident throughout the short procedure. (It takes longer to get to the parking garage than to have the LASIK procedure) Thank you Dr. Caster, thank you everyone at Caster Eye Center. I love getting up every morning and being able to see everything!

Kristin Hornburg

I know it sounds trite, but it felt like a miracle when I woke up and could see the clock this morning-less than 24 hours after surgery. The whole experience was far less traumatic than I had feared. It truly was the “Piece of Cake” described to me. Dr. Caster and his staff are extremely professional and congenial, putting me at ease about the procedure. (Thank you for your wicked sense of humor.) Another satisfied Patient!

Robin Kaufer

I have worn contacts for the past 15 years and had grown use to the morning regime of putting in and taking out my lenses. The hassle of my lenses folding up on my eyes, losing them, dirty lenses, etc… I am now free of all that! It’s a miracle. I can see. Now when I wake in the middle of the night to take care of my babies I don’t have to fumble around for my glasses. Thank you so much this is a life changing experience.

Laura Tiffany

It’s been 23 years since I’ve been able to see past my elbow without lenses in my eyes or lasses on my face. This is a wonderful feeling to have such wonderful doctors and staff give me this gift. The benefits of this procedure can’t be measured in dollars and the wonders I will experience by seeing my world without contacts or glasses have only started to be realized. I would recommend this procedure to anyone, and have a half dozen co-workers waiting to gear how great and easy this was. They’re all going to be told there is no better place to come and no better people to see than the one’s here at the Caster Eye Center. Thank you Dr. Caster and your entire staff!!

Kyle Donnelly