Reading Glasses

As we age, our near vision gets worse. The average age people begin to notice reading problems and start to use reading glasses is 45. That means half of all people begin to use reading glasses before they reach 45 years of age.
Pre-made reading glasses, which can be bought in the drug store, are very inexpensive. They work well for almost everyone. Buy a pair for every room that you need them in and leave a pair in your car. Share them with your significant other.
Pre-made reading glasses come in different strengths. The weakest strength is typically +1.00 and they increase in 0.25 increments, up to about +4.00. Younger people will usually start with the weaker strengths and increase over time up to +2.50 or +3.00.
The closer you hold things, the stronger your reading glasses have to be. So your reading glasses for the desktop computer at work might be +1.00, but to read in bed at night you might want a +1.50. Use the weakest strength that works for you, but the exact strength you use is not important.
Brighter light will decrease your need for reading glasses. If you are tired you will need stronger readers.
You do not weaken your eyes by using reading glasses. Only age makes your eyes weaker.
Blended vision (also called monovision) lessens the need for reading glasses. Blended vision can be achieved with contact lenses or with LASIK /PRK/SMILE. In blended vision, one eye is adjusted for near while the other remains adjusted for distance. A simple five-minute test in the office will determine if blended vision is right for you. Ask us if you are interested in testing for blended vision.