Posted by: Caster Eye Center in lasik, lasik eye surgery

Everyone has their own beliefs about the benefits of laser vision correction. Even if they have never heard any LASIK stories from friends or family members there are hundreds of myths that float around that make us second guess the procedure’s true quality. It is even hard to tell the difference between fact and fiction, especially with thousands of ophthalmologists who have their opinions about their laser eye surgery techniques. Today we will clear the air and separate fact from myth when it comes to measuring the amount of time a patient’s LASIK results will actually last. LASIK is a serious investment and our patients want to know the truth about whether it will improve their vision permanently.
If you are concerned about how long your investment will last, continue reading to find out from Dr. Caster and his staff.
Myth – LASIK Only Lasts 10 Years
LASIK Truth – For the average nearsighted patient with astigmatism, we expect the excellent results to last for the person’s entire life. For patients who are farsighted, it is common to need a second treatment at some point in the future. Dr. Caster had his nearsightedness and astigmatism corrected in 1996 and he still enjoys excellent distance vision almost 20 years later.
The natural aging process does not stop or slow down once LASIK is performed. A patient’s body goes through different challenges throughout their lifetime and so will their eyes.
If you are still unsure about LASIK’s permanent results or if you have questions about the procedure then contact Caster Eye Center to schedule a consultation. Our staff is thrilled to help you understand the truth about laser vision correction. Email or call us and learn how to correct your vision at our office in Los Angeles.