Posted by: Caster Eye Center in lasik eye surgery

There are plenty of rumors that seem to shadow LASIK surgery, most prominently, that if it works, it won’t last. LASIK surgery is a serious investment and if your doctor feels you won’t substantially benefit from LASIK or are not a good candidate, then laser vision correction will not be scheduled and other treatment options will be made available to you. However, for a nearsighted person with astigmatism, you can expect your results to last the remainder of your lifetime.
The topic of the surgery not lasting applies mostly to farsighted patients. If, after the first initial surgery, your results are not what you were expecting, the procedure can be done again. However, rest assured, that the majority of patients see exponentially better after the first procedure and if the doctor feels the need to do more work, it would only be for precision touch-ups.
Although LASIK does exactly as it claims to, which is correct a patient’s vision, we cannot forget that the body’s natural aging process inevitable. This means that as the body ages and undergoes changes, so will the eyes. LASIK Eye Surgery has an extremely high success rate. In fact, most people see so well after the procedure that they no longer need any sort of glasses or contacts to aid in seeing clearly. Only about one out of every 25 patients will need a second procedure or touch-up.
Feel confident that there is no need to worry about LASIK not working for you! The results are phenomenal and long lasting!
Dr. Caster had his astigmatism and nearsightedness corrected in 1996 and almost 20 years later, he is still enjoying his distance vision. If you are interested in learning more about the abilities of LASIK, then fill out our contact forms and send them in to Caster Eye Center. We will schedule a consultation with Dr. Caster and her will help you determine if LASIK is right to correct your vision issues.