Posted by: Caster Eye Center in Lasik Beverly Hills

LASIK surgery is the gift that keeps on giving all through the years. However, there’s more to it than meets the eye. Here are six secrets from our laser eye center that you may not have known about it.
You may be eligible for reoperation, which has a high percentage of accuracy. Please consult your doctor to see whether you qualify.
While it can happen, perfect vision depends on several factors and is not always possible. However, improvement is almost always guaranteed.
This procedure will correct your astigmatism and your nearsightedness. However, it will not prevent your vision from deteriorating with age. So, don’t throw away your reading glasses just yet.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat. In this case, you can correct your eyesight through a variety of other procedures, such as PRK (photorefractive keratectomy). Ask your doctor about your other choices.
This determines the degree of your vision problem. Your optometrist should be able to tell you. Have the information written down before you set up an appointment. If you’re severely nearsighted, you’re more likely to require an additional procedure.
While it rarely happens, complications can arise. Your pupil may end up slightly off-center. The potential for overcorrection and undercorrection does exist, as well as infection and inflammation. Fortunately, but it rarely occurs at our laser eye center.
Before any procedure, it’s important to have your eye doctor perform a thorough examination on you. Pay us a visit at our laser eye center in Beverly Hills or contact us online. We’ll give you the care and attention you deserve. Make the call to use today.