Posted by: Caster Eye Center in LASIK candidates, lasik eye surgery, Uncategorized

As one of the pioneering laser eye surgeons to administer the procedure since its FDA approval, laser eye surgeon Dr. Andrew Caster knows a thing or two – actually a lot – about LASIK surgery.
Ask any eye doctor what you should do prior to LASIK surgery, and they’ll probably give you this resounding response: take good, if not better, care of your eyes before the surgery. It goes without saying in any other medical procedure, you should be in tip-top shape before you go under the knife (but in this case, under the laser). That same sentiment goes for your eyes.
Some people love opting for contact lenses rather than sporting spectacles. Unfortunately for them, it’s important that they swap those lenses for actual glasses way before the procedure because contacts distort the shape of the cornea. You should switch to glasses full time a few days before your initial evaluation, that way you’ll have a more accurate measurement.
If you think you look ugly without makeup, just think how hideous you’ll look with an eye infection. You’ll want to stay away, not only from makeup, but also from perfumes, lotions, and creams.
While en route to your laser eye surgery, keeping your eyes moist is of utmost importance. The doctor will recommend an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eye drop that you should begin using the day before your surgery. Make sure you bring them on the day of your procedure too because LASIK can cause dry eyes.
You didn’t actually expect to get behind the wheel after the surgery, did you? Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you back home where you’ll spend most of your time resting your eyes.
During surgery, a numbing medication will be administered to your eye. Afterwards, the surgeon will use a clamping instrument that’ll hold your lids open so that a suction can hold your eye in place. Expect to feel a bit of pressure. A small keratome laser, known as the IntraLase laser, is used to create a flap in the cornea. This flap is like a doorway for surgeons to perform the necessary reshaping. Afterwards, the flap is then put back into place. No stitching is needed because the corneal tissue is a fast healer.
After LASIK surgery, it’s not unheard of to experience itching, burning, watery eyes or blurry vision. Don’t worry, it’s all temporary. Not only will these effects disappear, but your vision will be fully restored.
Now that you know what to expect in the days leading up to LASIK, the next step to seeing a better tomorrow is giving the Caster Eye Center a call. Dr. Caster has performed over 30,000 procedures, so you know your eyes are in the right hands. Contact your laser eye surgeon today!