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Caster Eye Center

For many people, being able to have 20/20 vision is a dream that LASIK surgery can easily and efficiently fulfill for you. LASIK is worth every penny for Los Angeles patients, but before you schedule an appointment, here are a few good questions you should ask.

The answer is a happy one: No, it isn’t too good to be true. Over 90 % of people who have received this procedure gain 20/20 to 20/40 vision. This means you won’t have to wear glasses or contact lenses unless you really want to.

As we age, our eyes and our vision naturally changes. You may indeed require reading glasses in your forties.

While you might experience some pressure during the operation, there shouldn’t be any. Fifteen to 20 minutes after the procedure, your eyes might begin to feel some discomfort, but it should only last from four to six hours. If you hit the sack, it should be gone by the time you wake up. Just don’t rub your eyes.

You must be at least 18 years of age. If you have substantial astigmatism, you must be at least 21 years old to receive the operation. If you have a thin cornea, an eye syndrome, or some other condition, another procedure may be more suitable for you. Please consult your LASIK surgeon to see if you qualify for it.

Dr. Caster is touted by Los Angeles Magazine as the “Best LASIK Surgeon in Los Angeles.” You won’t go wrong by choosing him as your doctor. If you’re interested in correcting your vision, please contact us at (310) 846-8486. We’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.