
Is There a Best Time of Year To Get LASIK?
For decades, LASIK treatment has given millions of patients back crisp, clear vision. The procedure takes minutes yet produces results that last a lifetime. When planning their procedure, many patients…

Eye Drops for Better Reading
Vuity is an eye drop that can help people over 40 to see better at close-up without using reading glasses or progressive glasses. Most patients rate the improvement as moderate….

Quoth My Ophthalmologist, ‘Nevermore.’
We have so many creative patients, and they are so passionate about the wonderful improvement in their lives from Laser Vision Correction. We received this email from Ross: The first…

Can We Cure Astigmatism?
Almost every person has astigmatism. Astigmatism means that the eye is not perfectly symmetrical — no one’s eye is exactly, perfectly shaped. So, instead of the cornea (the front of…

Lasik in Military Personnel
Laser vision correction has quietly become one of our nation’s most important military weapons! By maximizing the vision of our fighters, we gain a substantial edge over our adversaries. Soldiers…

Famous Professional Golfer Rory McIlroy’s Lasik Surgery
Rory McIlroy is one of many famous athletes who have had Lasik eye surgery in order to help improve their game. This past December, McIlroy finally had Lasik surgery after…

UV Light — What Does It Do To the Eyes?
The sun contains a form of invisible light which is called ultraviolet (UV) light. UV light is much higher energy than the light we can see, and causes the skin…

Zika Virus Can Affect the Eyes
The first instances of Zika virus infection were noted in Brazil two years ago. As of today, it is estimated that there are over one million people in Brazil that…

Can We Prevent Nearsightedness from Advancing in Young Children?
Nearsightedness that increases every year is common in school-aged children. First, there is a small amount of nearsightedness and then it advances as the child or teenager grows. Is there…

Zeiss Technology makes Lasik Completely Pain-Free
Caster Eye Center utilizes the Zeiss VisuMax laser for the first step of the Lasik procedure. The Zeiss technology takes on average 16 seconds per treatment and is enitrely pain-free….

Keep those contact lenses clean!
Every day, many Americans suffer vision loss due to careless hygiene with their contact lenses. Bacteria are everywhere, and if they start growing in the contact lens the eye can…

Can We Turn Brown Eyes Blue?
Are blue eyes prettier, or sexier? Really? A lot of people think so, and colored contact lenses are available, but they are inconvenient and look somewhat artificial. There will certainly…