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Posted by: Caster Eye Center in is lasik for you

Your Lasik Should Be Completely Pain-Free

There is not just one way to perform Laser Vision Correction treatment. Each medical practice has its own specific way of performing Lasik, including the way that it performs the…

Tiger Woods How LASIK Can Up Your Golf Game

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in is lasik for you

How Lasik Can Up Your Golf Game

If you’re an avid golfer, or even a fan, you understand how much of a visual game golf is. If your vision is growing poor, or if you have always…

Closeup of an Eye

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in Lasik Beverly Hills

What if I am not Happy with My Lasik Results? Can I Have a Lasik Revision?

One of the biggest fallacies concerning Lasik is that you can have Lasik only once, and that you are then stuck with the results. Nothing could be further from the…

School kids wearing glasses

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in good vision

The Looming Nearsightedness Epidemic

The worldwide prevalence of nearsightedness has increased over the past several decades, particularly in parts of Asia. Nearsightedness typically begins in children, and the age at which nearsightedness begins is…

Contact lens on finger tip

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in eye health

Infection Risk for Those Who Wear Contacts

Serious infection is always something eye doctors worry about a great deal. Infections can cause scarring of the cornea with a partial loss of vision, possibly requiring an operation to…

Close up of a blue eye

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in LASIK candidates

Can I Have Lasik Again?

  Of course, if your vision can use further help, Lasik can be done again! I am surprised by how many of our patients are unaware that Lasik can be…

Do Not Play Golf With Progressive Glasses or Bifocals

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in good vision

Do Not Play Golf With Progressive Glasses or Bifocals

If you are over 45 years old and play golf, do you wear your progressive lenses or bifocals on the golf course? Most golfers I speak to do. That is…

Woman feeling eye pain when using tablet at night

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in eye health

What Digital Screens are Doing to Your Eyes

Like it or not, we are in the digital age. Computer screens, smart phones, tablets, and other similar devices have become intertwined into our everyday lives—according to TIME, about 90%…

Aging Eyes: Vision Over Time

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in eye health

Aging Eyes: Vision Over Time

The eyes are the windows to our souls. But over time, the windows to our soul can become cloudy. Just like our physique, our eyes also exhibit age-related decline. Age-related…

Close up of a blue eye

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in Uncategorized

Lasik in Military Personnel

Laser vision correction has quietly become one of our nation’s most important military weapons! By maximizing the vision of our fighters, we gain a substantial edge over our adversaries. Soldiers…

iris scan

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in lasik

LASIK Anniversary: 25 Years of Better Vision

A quarter of a century ago, we were given the groundbreaking development of LASIK surgery by Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris of Greece and Dr. Lucio Burrato of Italy. LASIK has stood…

Famous Professional Golfer Rory McIlroy’s Lasik Surgery

Posted by: Caster Eye Center in Uncategorized

Famous Professional Golfer Rory McIlroy’s Lasik Surgery

Rory McIlroy is one of many famous athletes who have had Lasik eye surgery in order to help improve their game. This past December, McIlroy finally had Lasik surgery after…